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Advice of training

General Ansar Basic Training (Male and Female)
 General Ansar basic training (male and female).
Upon receiving this training, the members will be able to perform their duties as General Ansar and qualify to be assimilated. The rules of this training are as follows:

The training was conducted in the initial phase at the district headquarters and in the final phase at the Safipur Ansar-VDP Academy in Gazipur.

· Upazila Ansar and VDP officers select the members according to the quota and send the list to the office of the District Commandant.

আলো In the light of Ansar Act 1995 and Ansar Bahini Regulations 1996, the person concerned has to complete the following qualifications: a) Age 18 to 30 years.
B) Educational Qualification Minimum 8th class pass. However, those with SSC or above degree are preferred for training.
C) Height: (i) Minimum 160 cm i.e. 5-4th (in case of males)
(Ii) Minimum 150 cm i.e. 5- 0 (in case of woman)
(E) Chest size from 75 cm to 60 cm i.e. 30r-32r (in case of males).
(6) Vision power: 7/8

· Certificate of Educational Qualification and Certificate of Character and Citizenship have to be submitted while participating in the basic training of General Ansar.

থাকা Trainees are provided free accommodation, food, clothing during the training.

অর্থ No money is taken from any member to participate in this training.

· After the successful completion of this training, he joined various government and non-government KPI / important organizations in the country and took charge of security provisions.

সদস্য Trainee members / members are involved for a short period of time in Durga Puja, National and Local Government elections.



Village based unarmed VDP basic training
Through this training, the members of the village defense team gained an idea about the VDP organization and were able to serve as members of the VDP platoon. Two platoons consisting of 32 men and 32 women from the respective villages were given free training.

১০ This training program is conducted for 10 (ten) days at a convenient place in the village.

এই This training is given once in a village.

The trainee has to pass at least eighth class.

বয়স Minimum age of trainee is 18 and maximum is 30 years.

· Training allowance of Rs. 900 per day for 10 days training at the rate of Rs. 90 per day is given as training allowance.

The trainee is given a certificate at the end of the training.

সদস্য Members of one village are not trained in another village.

· The District Commandant selects the village as per the recommendation of the Upazila Officer before the commencement of the financial year.

মাধ্যমে Through this training the VDP male and female platoon of the village is formed.

· Trainee members get the opportunity to apply for 3rd and 4th class government jobs within the prescribed 10% quota.

The following trainings are also done

Electrician Training - TTC, Fridge & Air Conditioner Repair Training, Sewing & Fashion Design Training, Sewing & Fashion Design (Extra Nakshi Kantha Making) Training, Sweater Machine Operating Training, Oven Machine Operating Training, Mobile Phone Set Repair & Maintenance Training, Avi Car , Utility training